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Simple AI-based cult detector using OpenAI’s latest GPT model. It’s completely free and intended for entertainment purposes only. You type in a search term (organization, public figure, trend, etc.) and it gives you its classification on a “cult spectrum”.
A simple AI travel planner guide to optimise your travel and try new adventures. Design your ideal itinerary with Hadana AI. Discover your perfect adventure with Hadana AI, the ultimate travel companion powered by Generative AI
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Ace your next interview with our AI-based mock interview platform Prepare for success with our cutting-edge AI technology that simulates real interview scenarios. Boost your confidence and skills today
Introducing Hevolve: the groundbreaking education platform that's redefining the way you learn. With our innovative AI avatars leading the way, you'll embark on a personalized learning journey like never before. Learn at your own pace and in your own style. For creators, tutors and institutions: Curate content dynamically with our Generative AI powered creator dashboard and start earning.