Utilize our advanced AI assistant for summarizing stories, generating insights, and crafting newsletters.
Access comprehensive global insights from thousands of sources across multiple languages.
Seamlessly integrate AskNews into applications with our powerful APIs and SDKs.
Monitor developing stories and trends with tools like RedditPerspective™ and StoryGraphs™.
Stay informed with our live dashboard showcasing data diversity and commitment to transparency.
Choose from various pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of any scale, ensuring access to high-quality news.
SEO is confusing and expensive, Seona makes it simple. Keywords, meta tags, heading hierarchy, blog posts, and more. Enter your URL and see how Seona automates complex SEO tasks and walks you through every step along the way.
We are collecting draw results and training different models in order to predict future outcomes. Can AI really predict winning numbers? While it can’t guarantee a win, it can significantly improve your chances by identifying the most likely numbers.
Narafy is a tag first notes app with a personality. We see a world where you can keep track of your endless pieces of information. With built in AI that can help you find what you're looking for or help you write.
Zikhara is a SaaS platform that leverages Generative AI to create hyper-focused e-commerce content at a fraction of the cost.
Vantage Discovery is a generative AI-powered SaaS platform that enables intelligent search, discovery, and personalized recommendations so websites can deliver breathtaking customer experiences.