Harness AI to instantly analyze job postings, generate job-fit scores, TL;DR summaries, and enhance your application with AI-generated cover letters, resume drafts, and personalized tips including networking suggestions. Let AI do the heavy lifting for you.
SoraFlows, the ultimate Next.js web template for Sora AI video creation. Fully open-sourced, it offers a powerful Sora Video Editor GUI, API, and backend. Designed for high-quality prompt collection with NextJs and Tailwind CSS.
The simplest way to have a daily accountability ritual: 1. get a phone call at the end of your day 2. answer what you did, where you're stuck, what's next 3. get an email summary
Looking for a great website idea? Try Pixelswithin's Idea Generator to spark your creativity and discover standout web or microsaas concepts!
Wishgram lets you craft adorable handwritten wish cards at no cost. Send wishes for good luck, celebrate birthdays, or express anything you desire! Ideal for sharing on Twitter, Instagram stories, emails, and more. Make your friends and family feel special!
Doti, powered by AI, is your assistant in managing health and life goals. It comprehensively analyzes data from your exercise, diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, heart rate, and goal management to offer custom lifestyle tips just for you.