Utilize the Aurum Engine scoring system to evaluate financial features against historical data.
Access real-time updates on stocks rated 'buy' by the Aurum Engine, outperforming the S&P 500 by over 100%.
Receive curated weekly stock picks based on risk profiles and sector performance, refreshed every Monday.
Create and manage personalized portfolios with detailed scores tailored to your investments.
Screen stocks across various sectors based on technical, performance, financial, and growth scores.
Dive deep into stock analysis with comprehensive scores based on various financial metrics.
Scale your image generation. With one click edit all your prompts for DALLE-3 images. This app helps to generate more images faster, with consistent style, with easy to use editor which looks like a table, not just a chat window in DALLE-3
AI-generated astrology platform reveals universe's secrets. Dive into the captivating world of stars with our advanced algorithm analyzing astral data for accurate, personalized predictions. Discover your future or explore sign compatibility from home.
One-click data extraction from any website to your custom GPTs, allowing you to include any data on the web in your GPT's knowledge. Simply add a URL and you'll receive a JSON or CSV file containing the site's data.
faqbuddy is a free, efficient solution for instant FAQ responses using OpenAI's API. It offers robust functionality without monthly fees, suitable for Discord, Slack, Telegram, and WhatsApp, ensuring secure data management and continuous feature improvements.
Unlock Creativity with AI Image to Captions Generator! Transform photos into captivating stories with AI-powered captions. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to engaging posts. Elevate your social media game effortlessly!
Empower is an automated daily planner designed for adults who often forget about things to do. Empower helps plan your day and nudge you to finish tasks. It focuses on organizing your non-work related tasks, and it plugs your tasks into your free time with AI.
Starry Book is an AI powered lifestyle App which provide holistic spiritual support and life guidance. Our AI agents - astrologer, tarot readers, pet companions - work together to offer personalized relationship advice, wealth forecasts and life decisions.