Utilize the Aurum Engine scoring system to evaluate financial features against historical data.
Access real-time updates on stocks rated 'buy' by the Aurum Engine, outperforming the S&P 500 by over 100%.
Receive curated weekly stock picks based on risk profiles and sector performance, refreshed every Monday.
Create and manage personalized portfolios with detailed scores tailored to your investments.
Screen stocks across various sectors based on technical, performance, financial, and growth scores.
Dive deep into stock analysis with comprehensive scores based on various financial metrics.
FinderFox lets you ask questions, get answers - like having a chat with your files. It scans your folders, working with everything you've got, offline. A straightforward way to manage your work or studies, all without needing the internet.
Shidōsha connects individuals with mentors worldwide, offering personalized matches, flexible schedules, and innovative AI tools to foster personal and professional growth. A platform where learning and development are accessible to anyone, anywhere.
SellMate AI transforms e-commerce by letting sellers take photos to auto-generate product details, streamlining cross-listing on multiple platforms. It optimizes pricing and enhances visibility, simplifying online selling with cutting-edge AI technology.
We use AI to make dispute resolution simple for small businesses and those without resources to hire a lawyer. Dyspute.ai users can generate customized and compelling demand letters or demand letter responses in minutes. No legal experience required.
PalettePlay.art is the ultimate app for creating endless fun and fostering creativity in children with customizable coloring pages. Whether you're a parent or teacher, it provides an engaging platform for artistic expression in young minds.
Analyze the resume to obtain the interviewer's questions and answers, as well as the intention of the questions. And analyze the advantages and disadvantages of your resume to get interview skills based on your resume.
Made for Non-Tech Users: Upload files, ask questions in plain English, and receive instant insights. We go one step ahead and allow you to perform an automated root cause analysis thereby discovering the underlying correlations within your data for your KPI.