This weekly digest aims to kill the pain of navigating the vast ocean of GitHub repositories to find the gems. We use AI to analyze each repository's details and serve you with curated summary with high infomation density and low noise. We also provide audio version if you TLDR.
Do you end up getting into a routine of making the same food over and over? Each week an easy way to save recipes with the option to generate AI images to make meal planning fun. do you forget about all the things you made in the past? I made this product as
Dream Meaning is an innovative AI-powered dream analysis app that helps you unravel the mysteries behind your dreams. Discover the hidden meanings, symbolism, and messages within your dreams with the advanced capabilities of artificial intelligence.
Yuna provides a private and free alternative to traditional mental health options. Available at a tap of a button, and trained in therapeutic best practices from CBT to DBT, she can provide you a safe place to vent, share about your day, and much more.
Our AI-powered platform creates impressive video presentations with talking avatars. All you need to do – select a human picture, type in the text, add multimedia elements, and VOILA- our cool AI tool converts all this into a stunning video, instantly!
Vera serves as a personalized learning assistant, helping you, your students, or your children overcome challenges and excel in their studies.